The information below is also available in PDF format as Bulletin #1 under the Forms & Downloads menu.
Bulletin #2 is now available on for online viewing or as PDF under the Forms & Downloads menu
Bulletin #1
January 2022

July 23 – July 30 , 2022
Jarlsberg Air Sport Center, Toensberg, Norway
COVID-19 Safety Information
Bulletin 2 and all the following documentation will include all the necessary information and the protocols that the organizers and the participants will have to follow to participate based on the national regulations and the FAI recommendations. Always the national regulations always prevail over FAI recommendations. From time to time, please visit the FAI web site COVID19 section for any updates. Our web site will also be updated for this matter when so needed. Sanitary restrictions are to be observed at any time within the flying facilities.
Norwegian Airsports Federation
Jarlsberg Air Sport Center
2022 FAI F4 World Championships for Scale Model Aircraft
July 23 – 30 July 2022
Jarlsberg Air Sport Center
7 km NW of Toensberg, 100 km SW of Oslo, 20 km from Torp Airport and 147 km from Oslo
Gardermoen International Airport
WEB Site
Flight lines:
- Runway F4C:
- 799 m x 18 m asphalt and TBA m x TBA m parallel grass
Pilots view is towards east
- 799 m x 18 m asphalt and TBA m x TBA m parallel grass
- Runway F4H
- 250 m x 10 m asphalt and 250 m x 18 m parallel grass
Pilots view is towards west
- 250 m x 10 m asphalt and 250 m x 18 m parallel grass
- Heading both runways: 18/36
- Altitude: 18 m/60 feet
Organizers’ Officials:
President of The Aero Club of Norway Model | Mr. Espen Bakke |
General Manager of the Contest | Mr. Pål Lindèn Anthonisen |
Flight Line Director | Mr. Ingolf Steffensen |
Assistant Flight Line Director | Mr. Brynjar Phil |
Chief of computer service: | Mr. Anders Holt Jacobsen |
FAI Jury
Mr. Narve Jensen, NOR, President of the Jury | |
Mr. Alex Kennedy, GBR, Jury Member | |
Mr. Marius Conu, ROM, Jury Member | |
Mr. Agustin Sevilla Royo, ESP, Reserve both Jury and Judge (on site) |
Flight judges, F4C
1. | Mr. Didier Pabois, FRA Chief Judge |
2 | Mr. Chris Allan GBR |
3. | Mr. Joe Finocchairo AUS |
4. | Mr. Heinz Schar SUI |
5. | Mr. Miroslav Dvoracek CZE |
Flight judges, F4H
1. | Mr. Gwyn Avenell NZL Chief Judge |
2. | Mr. Stephan Kessel GBR |
3. | TBL |
4. | Mr. Lars Strågen SWE |
5. | Mr. Niels Jensen NOR |
Static 1 F4C
1. | Mr. Matti Jyllila, FIN |
2. | TBL |
Static 2 F4C
1. | Mr. George Kandylakis GRE |
2. | Mr. Sverre Moen NOR |
Static F4H
1. | Mr. Stan Alexander USA Chief Judge |
2. | Mr. Marek Dominiak POL |
3. | TBL |
F4 FAI World Championships Rules:
World Championships will be run according to:
- FAI Sporting Code Section 4 Aeromodelling Vol. CIAM General Rules effective January 2022
- FAI Sporting Code Section 4 Aeromodelling Vol. F4 flying scale model aircraft effective 2022
- FAI Code of Ethics
Quote from the FAI Anti-doping regulations:
If you regularly take medication prescribed by your doctor and this medication is on the WADA Prohibited List, you need to get a form called a TUE (therapeutic use exemption) filled out by your doctor.
International level athletes must send the form to the FAI Secretariat, National level athletes send it to their National Air Sport Control.
F4C and F4H
Present Holders of Scale Perpetual Trophies:
Class | Thropy Name | Current Holder |
F4C Individual | Dennis Thumpston Trophy | Andreas Lüthi SUI |
F4C Team | Keil Trophy | Australia |
F4H Individual | KLM Trophy | Marcus Hausmann GER |
F4H Team | FAI Challenge Cup | Czech Republic |
Weather condition:
- Temperature, average: 20 0 C
- Wind main heading: S-SW
- Sunrise: 05:30
- Sunset: 20:30
Official Schedule
- 1. 35 MHz
- 2. 40MHz
- 3. 2.4GHz: 2400-2483.5 GHz; Use of 2,4 GHz is strongly recommended.
Hangar to the competitor’s disposal will be available from July 23 through August 2, 2020.
Each team will have a maintenance area with tables, chairs and 220V power supply.
Hangar will be protected and guarded round the clock.
Transportation of models from the hangar to flight line: F4C and F4H: Cars with trailers.
A national team may consist of:
- Team Manager
- Maximum 5 competitiors if at least one is a junior and at least one is a female in each class
- Helpers and supporters
Direct Qualification
The reigning World Champions has the right (subject to the approval of his NAC) to participate in the next world championships in that class regardless of whether he qualifies for the national team or not. If he is not a member of the national team, his score will not be considered in the team results.
Each competitor, team manager and team manager assistant must possess a valid FAI License, issued by their NAC.
Visa requirement
None of the nations that have ever participated in Scale World Competition do need VISA to enter Norway for a period of 90 days or less.
Classification and awards
There will be an individual classification and a team classification.
The winners will be awarded with FAI medals and diplomas.
Official contest languges are:
- English
- Norwegian
Entry fees
Senior competitors, TM, TM assistant | 500 € |
Female competitor | 500 € |
Junior competitor | 100 € |
Helper and supporter | 100 € |
Press representative | 0 € |
Preliminary entry
Preliminary entry forms must be received by the organizers before March 10, 2022
Official entry
Official entry forms must be received by the organizers before April 15, 2022
All fees must be received by May 15.
Entries received from May 16 to May 31 st will be subject of 10% fine.
Entries received from June 1 st to June 30 th will be subject of 20% fine.
Entries received after July 1 st will be subject to organizers’ acceptance
Payment is to be made by banking transfer.
The banking commission is in charge of sender, so that the whole amount of money from the entry form should be received in the Organizer’s bank account.
Payment by check is not accepted.
Payment and banking information:
Send the entry fees to the following bank account (EUR ONLY):
N-0021 Oslo, Norway
Acount no.: 5002 05 01577
IBAN NO.: NO4050020501577
Title: Scale Wc 2020, Jarlsberg, fees from………
Hotel Klubben Toensberg
Contact address:
Hotel Klubben Toensberg, Nedre Langgate 49, 3126 Toensberg, Norway
Phone: +47 33359700,
Participants will be allowed to camp at Jarlsberg Air Sport Center, and to use all the
facilities provided by the Center. Electricity is included in the fee.
Camping fee: 20 EUR/day/unit.
The banquet will take place on July 30 at 19:00
Banquet fee: 60 EUR/competitor, TM, TM’s Assistant, supporter, helper, guest.
Lunch will be served at the field
Approx. prices on meals: Breakfast 8€, Lunch 15€, Dinner 35€ and up.
All protests must be presented in writing to the Contest Director at the competition site and
must be accompanied by a deposit of 50 EUR.
The deposit is returned if the protest is upheld only.
Model processing
Each competitor must present a valid FAI Specification Certificate for his model, according
to FAI Sporting Code Volume ABR/Section 4 Aeromodelling.
Model aircraft not properly processed by NAC, must be processed by the organizer at a cost
of 8 EUR for each model.
Each competitor must present a Competitors Declaration Form according to FAI Sporting
Code Volume 4/Section 4 Aeromodelling (annex 6.E. page 85 of the scale rules).
National flag and anthem
The Team Manager is requested to bring one national flag of 1 x 1,5 m and a CD or
Memory Stick with national anthem.
The flag and anthem will be collected during the team’s registration and returned after the
closing ceremony.
Team Managers are requested to send via official email to the organizers no later than May 31, 2022:
• Passport size photographs of all team members;
• Each competitor’s photographs with his model/s/
Documents for registration
- Competitor’s FAI License valid for 2022
- A copy of team’s banking payment receipt
- One national flag 1 x 1,5 m
- One CD or memory stick with national anthem
- Valid FAI certificates for the models
- Valid ID card
Fuel for models
The fuel for models can be shipped to the Organizers. The National Teams supply their own fuel. The address of the fuel storage will be announced.
Local fuel supplier
The Organizers will post contact details of a local fuel supplier for the competitors who do not want to ship the fuel but want to order it locally.
Car rentals
Most major car rental companies are present at Oslo Airport Gardermoen International Airport, and Sandefjord Airport Torp.
The Organiser will provide a limited third-party insurance covering all participants for model accidents involving injury to others or damage to property during the Championships.
EU Citizens must bring European Health Insurance card.
Citizens from outside EU should provide their own health insurance to cover illness and travel insurance.
COVID-19 Safety Information
Bulletin – 2 and all the following documentation will include all the necessary information and the protocols that the organizers and the participants will have to follow in order to
participate based on the national regulations and the FAI recommendations. Always the national regulations prevail at all times over FAI recommendations. From time to time please visit the FAI web site COVID19 section for any updates. Our web site will also be updated for this matter when so needed.
COVID-19 Deadline
As it happened last year with all World or Continental Championships, as organizers we will be in direct contact with CIAM Bureau in order to evaluate together the situation and
decide accordingly. As always public health is and will be our top priority. If it will be required to cancel or postpone the event this will be announced to you not later than (60
days before the beginning day or a specific date).
The deadline to decide whether or not to continue the championships is the 30th of April 2022.
Paul Lindèn Anthonisen
Skytterveien 6G
3290 Stavern
Tel: 0047 922 55 495